Friday, February 20, 2009

Boarding the Bus!

And travelling on the Bus this time round are...


Introduction - Katy Manning
A Gamble with Wildthyme - Steve Lyons
Sovereign - Mags L Halliday
The Unhappy Medium - Mark Wright and Cavan Scott
Living Legend - Stuart Douglas
Battleship Anathema - Phil Purser-Hallard
The Dreadful Flap - Paul Magrs
Not A Drop - Steven Wickham
Iris Wildthyme y SeƱor Cientocinco contra Los Monstruos del Fiesta - Cody Schell
Why, Because We Like You - Jonathan Dennis
The Scarlet Shadow - Stewart Sheargold
Only Living Girls - Steve Cole

Messrs Lyons, Magrs and Cole and the delightful Ms Mags Halliday will be well known to Doctor Who book readers, while Mark Wright and Cav Scott are in charge of the Big Finish Iris range. They and Stewart Sheargold have written extensively for the Big Finish ranges.

Jonathan Dennis and Phil Purser-Hallard have both written Faction Paradox fiction, with Phil also writing for novellas for Telos and Big Finish.

Finally, introducing Cody Schell and Steven Wickham with their first published pieces of Who related fiction, though Steven has appeared as an actor in over a dozen Big Finish audios.

Oh, and me - but that's sheer nepotism so probably best glossed over quickly...

With specially commissioned cover art by June Hudson, legendary Doctor Who costume designer, and logo courtesy of the lovely Anthony Dry, we're aiming for a publication date in early April.

Here's a sneak preview of June's brilliant cover art: for further details (as soon as I put them up, later today) and expressions of childlike glee from Paul and I...

Did I mention the introduction by Iris herself, Katy Manning?



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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Iris Wildthyme and the Celestial Omnibus - Update

Nearly there now! Just waiting for one author to finish up and then we can see how it all fits together.

Further announcements on soon...

(hmm, does that sound too much like one of those spam comments which litter blogger?)

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nice review

[of my story in Shelf Life, that is]

No Place Like Home by Stuart A Douglas

We are on the very edge of Whoniverse here. This is an Iris Wildthyme story although Iris herself is little more than a framing character. This really belongs to a pacifist Cyberman, a pair of individualist Sontarans (who rebel against the clone world by wearing a hat with a feather in it or a leather jacket), and a loner Auton who doesn't want to be part of the pack. In case you hadn't guessed - this is a comic piece that vaults the highest bar by actually being funny. And it gets better on a second or third reading when you can go back and enjoy the little throwaway lines instead of powering ahead to find out what is going on.

The book has just been re-printed, so you should definitely go and buy a copy if you haven't yet!

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