Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Few New Sites

Somenew things from friends of mine, which I recommend to your august attentions, both of you...

Paul's nice shiny new website, written in typically half-arsed fashion by yours truly. It's got a blog and a guestbook and - perhaps slightly more importantly - writing from the cutting room floor, drawings of characters from Paul's books and a link to be his mate on Facebook or Twitter.

Finn Clark's Reviews

All I did for this was supply some server space into which Finn Clark, aka Best Genre Reviewer Ever, has dropped over a thousand reviews all laid out a nice, easy to flick through front end. If you want to read the definitive (if often totally WRONG) review of any Doctor Who book ever - or anime or horror or obscure 30s British movies - then this is the first place to go!

The Photo Project

Latest baby of Scott's fertile and cheapie craving mind, the Photo Project is a charidee affair, serving as a base for a series of high quality photo books with themed images collected from top snappers everywhere and all proceeds going to charity.

I thought a Doctor Who Locations one might work well, but Scott will listen to any and all suggestions...


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